👋 Hi! We are the one person research lab of Martin Schwaighofer!
We research the applications of cloud build systems, like Nix ❄️, to software supply chain security problems.
Our flagship research goal is turning every arrow in a dependency tree into a verifiable subtree describing the build host.
Similar ideas have been said to lead to “fractals and H.P. lovecraft-style madness”, but we believe that developing approaches for managing the “trusting trust” problem is better than forever ignoring it out of fear, or because it’s “technically unsolvable” - the best kind of unsolvable 😅. Not only does our way of doing this put security boundaries and incentives very much in line, but it also leads to very desirable properties at verification time. Take a look at our latest publication on Extending Cloud Build Systems to Eliminate Transitive Trust 🧑🔬 to learn more, email us 📧, or just book a free consultation with us 📅 if you are curious. We’re happy to get to know you. 😊
You can also read our announcement blog post ⬇️ to find out how we plan to finance our work, and whether we could be a valuable partner to your organization.